Saturday, January 29, 2011

Poached Egg, Steak and Goat Cheese Crostini with Corn Chimichurri and Rockstar Avocado Sauce.. Taking Left Overs To The Next Level

First thing you need to know about me and my blog that I have not shared with you before is I do not sit down and write out a recipe and go to the store and get the ingredients and prep a head of time unless I am hosting guests. Lasts nights dinner was everything I already had at home except for Cilantro and a clove of garlic ( I had to get rid all my perishables in September so I am still missing the simplest of things like a clove of garlic.) My recipes on this blog are either ones I have done in the past or I get so inspired by ingredients and I make something to honor them!

Now there is something else you should know about me. I am a big girl yes but I do not eat a lot I cannot. I have a 10 oz stomach. And needless to say I used to be much bigger then I am now.. But having a 10 oz stomach means I never eat more then 10 or so bites of food. So when I do things like take the left overs from last night and make an even better breakfast then what I made for dinner it is because I have left overs from pretty much every meal I eat and inventing them into a new dish saves money. Things usually taste better  the second day as well. It is because the flavors have had a chance to combine and add more depth. 

 So this morning I took the left over ingredients from the Lux Tacos in my last post and added a few new ones and I made a new dish. This is a nice one you can make for your friends for brunch or your Spouse for Valentines Day and everyone will be impressed. I even impressed myself. I poached eggs for the first time. I poached 6 and 4 turned out pretty great. And poached eggs are very tasty and the healthiest way to eat an egg. There is no butter, oil, or cooking spray needed just good ole fashion water. You might need a practice a couple times to poach a good egg. Thank goodness they are cheap. So you can practice poaching eggs as much as you want.  Anyways off track.

Poached Eggs are something you can make the day a head of time. It makes having company for brunch that much easier. 

Poached Egg, Steak and Goat Cheese Crostini with Corn Chimichurri and Rockstar Avocado Sauce 

Equipment- Sauce pan, Thermometer,  A Bowl to Flash the Poached Eggs in and a Cookie Sheet.

A French Baguette 
Goat Cheese (let it stand for half hour so its soft)
Thinly Sliced Steak (optional I used leftover Lux Tacos)

Corn Chimichurri Salsa (see Lux Tacos Anyone?)
Vinegar (1 tablespoon for every 32oz of poaching liquid)
Cayenne Pepper
Ice (for Flashing the Poached Eggs)
1 egg (keep a few extra handy just in case)
Rockstar Avocado Sauce (see Lux Tacos Anyone?)

Turn oven on Broil High

The recipe will appear to be written backwards to you but that is because that is how I made  it. I took the baguette and sliced off a piece about finger and a half width. Take the softened goat cheese and spread it on the bread and put on the cookie sheet and pop it in the oven for a few minutes 4-5 but watch it.. Broiling can go from good to bad very fast. Just toast the baguette. Then you can put the thinly sliced piece of steak on top of the goat cheese followed by the Chimichurri. 

Take the bowl you are going to flash the egg in and fill it with some ice and water . Place it right next to the sauce pan you will be poaching your egg in. The turn Flash means placing the egg in ice water to stop the cooking process so the egg does not over cook. Most food items continue to cook even after you have removed it from its heat source. 

Skim all that excess egg white. 
In the sauce pan for 1 get place 32 oz of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar** and a couple pinches of salt. Turn the heat on medium high heat. And once it starts to bubble not boil check the temperature with the thermometer. It should be between 160-170 degrees and you need to keep it that temp while you poach the egg. If the water was suppose to be boiling then it would be called a boiling egg not poached. Crack the egg in a cup or small bowl . Do not crack the egg on the sauce pan if you break the yoke that egg is useless. Gingerly pour the egg into the water. It will start to cook immediately. Keep a slotted spoon close to you and check after a minute or so to make sure the egg is not sticking to the bottom of the pan. You will know when the egg is almost done cooking when it begins to rise off the bottom of the pan. When it is almost floating completely it is done so skim the excess white and then take the egg and gently place it in the ice water just for a second or so to stop the yoke from cooking anymore. You should have a perfectly cooked egg. The whites wil be nice and soft but firm not rubbery or runny.  Place the egg on top of the baguette and add Rockstar Avocado Sauce. 

** The Vinegar is VERY important. It causes the egg whites to coagulate as they cook. With out the vinegar the egg whites would just spread everywhere. Like in Egg Drop Soup.

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